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About Me

   When I was 21 years old, I suffered a traumatic back injury whilst travelling in Bali. The accident led me to examine my approach to movement, by forcing me to tune into my body by seeking exercise that left me feeling replenished. After enduring months of unbearable pain and discomfort, I discovered Pilates and my life completely changed. I re-aligned and strengthened the deepest muscles of my body, so I could experience the sensation of strength and
alignment in a profound new way. This led me to study the art-form that is Pilates, and ultimately become a teacher.

Further qualifications of mine include 200H Hatha Yoga Teacher Training, Somatic Experiencing, Menstruality Leadership and studies in Gyrokenesis.

Hannah Blackburn

 My fascination with the mind-body connection and how our nervous systems are wired, is what led me to infuse somatic work into both coaching and Pilates. I believe we need to make changes to on an emotional and somatic level to create sustainable, long lasting change.

"I believe that lasting change requires adjustments on both the mental and physical levels, so  when implemented together they are the perfect marriage!"

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