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Pilates is a form of exercise that utilises all of the muscles in the body and builds strength from the inside out. Inside out implies that the deepest muscles are activated in order to create the deepest strength. Pilates improves posture, balance, flexibility and most importantly creates a strong core , also known as the “Powerhouse”. I use a somatic approach to teaching Pilates, taking into consideration an individual’s body type and personality tendencies. The aim is to relieve tension and calm the nervous system, alongside building muscle. I also teach rehabilitation and classical styles of Pilates.

Pilates Class on Reformers

Packages I offer: 3 or 6 months, tailored to the individual's needs.

"Hannah held a really beautiful space for me and guided me to explore my purpose. I now have a
very clear vision for what the future holds for me. We have achieved so much!"

- Shaikha A.

"Hannah had such a profound impact on the way I see and react to my internal dialogues. She held a space that made me feel safe and enabled me to move forward in my journey."

- Claire T.

“Hannah helped me work through areas of my mental health that I didn't even realize needed support. She made me feel comfortable right from the beginning, and we went at a pace that suited me. I truly can't recommend Hannah enough, she's helped me turn my self-belief around and be excited for my future!”

- Alice S. 

“Hannah creates the right environment for deep change. She provides the safety and space to explore blocks, asks the right questions, and empowers you to step into your own leadership. She authentically  embodies her offering, which makes working with her a transformative experience.”

- Orfea S.

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